/* * helper.c: various conversion and parsing helpers * * Version: $Id$ * * Authors: Wensong Zhang * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "helper.h" int string_to_number(const char *s, int min, int max) { long number; char *end; errno = 0; number = strtol(s, &end, 10); if (*end == '\0' && end != s) { /* We parsed a number, let's see if we want this. */ if (errno != ERANGE && min <= number && number <= max) return number; } return -1; } int host_to_addr(const char *name, struct in_addr *addr) { struct hostent *host; if ((host = gethostbyname(name)) != NULL) { if (host->h_addrtype != AF_INET || host->h_length != sizeof(struct in_addr)) return -1; /* warning: we just handle h_addr_list[0] here */ memcpy(addr, host->h_addr_list[0], sizeof(struct in_addr)); return 0; } return -1; } char * addr_to_host(struct in_addr *addr) { struct hostent *host; if ((host = gethostbyaddr((char *) addr, sizeof(struct in_addr), AF_INET)) != NULL) return (char *) host->h_name; else return (char *) NULL; } char * addr_to_anyname(struct in_addr *addr) { char *name; if ((name = addr_to_host(addr)) != NULL) return name; else return inet_ntoa(*addr); } int service_to_port(const char *name, unsigned short proto) { struct servent *service; if (proto == IPPROTO_TCP && (service = getservbyname(name, "tcp")) != NULL) return ntohs((unsigned short) service->s_port); else if (proto == IPPROTO_UDP && (service = getservbyname(name, "udp")) != NULL) return ntohs((unsigned short) service->s_port); else return -1; } char * port_to_service(unsigned int port, unsigned short proto) { struct servent *service; if (proto == IPPROTO_TCP && (service = getservbyport(htons(port), "tcp")) != NULL) return service->s_name; else if (proto == IPPROTO_UDP && (service = getservbyport(htons(port), "udp")) != NULL) return service->s_name; else return (char *) NULL; } char * port_to_anyname(unsigned int port, unsigned short proto) { char *name; static char buf[10]; if ((name = port_to_service(port, proto)) != NULL) return name; else { sprintf(buf, "%u", port); return buf; } } char * addrport_to_anyname(struct in_addr *addr, unsigned int port, unsigned short proto, unsigned int format) { char *buf; if (!(buf=malloc(60))) return NULL; if (format & FMT_NUMERIC) { snprintf(buf, 60, "%s:%u", inet_ntoa(*addr), port); } else { snprintf(buf, 60, "%s:%s", addr_to_anyname(addr), port_to_anyname(port, proto)); } return buf; } /* * Get IP address and port from the argument. * Return 0 if failed, * 1 if addr read * 2 if addr and port read */ int parse_addrport(char *buf, u_int16_t proto, u_int32_t *addr, u_int16_t *port) { char *pp; long prt; struct in_addr inaddr; pp = strchr(buf, ':'); if (pp) *pp = '\0'; if (inet_aton(buf, &inaddr) != 0) *addr = inaddr.s_addr; else if (host_to_addr(buf, &inaddr) != -1) *addr = inaddr.s_addr; else return 0; if (pp == NULL) return 1; if ((prt=string_to_number(pp+1, 0, 65535)) != -1) *port = htons(prt); else if ((prt=service_to_port(pp+1, proto)) != -1) *port = htons(prt); else return 0; return 2; }